Nonverbal communication is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless (mostly visual) messages. Messages can be communicated through positive gestures, by body language or posture, by facial expression and eye contact.

Research suggests that only 7 percent effect is produced by the spoken word, 38 percent by the tone, inflexion and other elements of voice and 50 percent by body language, movements, eye contact etc.

Prof. Albert Mehrabian
How Positive gestures are important!

In the scenario of COVID19, maintenance of physical distance and minimal space between people has become mandatory in every sector. Gestures can play an important role in communicating without physical touch. Gestures are deliberate movements and signals to communicate meaning without words. Common gestures include waving, pointing and using fingers to show number amounts. Other gestures are arbitrary and related to culture. Gestures can be both Positive / formal and Negative / informal.

Also read this – Avoid those Negative Gestures

Let’s first understand the Positive / Formal gestures that can make one appreciated and recognized as having a pleasant personality in the professional sector.

Some Important Positive Gestures –

Facial Expression – The mirror of our emotions: Facial expressions are responsible for a huge proportion of nonverbal communication. Just think how much information can be shown through a smile or frown. While nonverbal communication and behaviour are dramatically different between cultures, the facial expressions for happiness, sadness, anger and fear are almost the same throughout the world.

People can read from our faces!! Can you identify the positive gestures above?

Keep Eye contact: The most essential organ in our communication is the eyes. Our eyes speaks a lot more than words. A straight eye-contact with the listener with the head up and occasional blink is a perfect sign that one is interested and positively focused in the conversation.

Who is listening?

Watch your Stance: Standing straight with head held up and a straight back displays a good posture and confidence. Others feel dependable and assured in presence of someone with a balanced upright posture.

Can you identify or differentiate between professional and formal postures?

Be careful to maintain a Straight posture: It should be relaxed, with a straight but not stiff back to make others feel that one is comfortable in the particular environment or surroundings.

Leaning forward: This is a very positive or formal gesture which projects that the person is extremely interested or actively engaged in the topic and is listening quite attentively.

These are the major positive body language or gestures that can make us adept in this professional world and can keep us a bit ahead than others in paving the path of success. Even in the present context while continuing physical distance, we can maintain a cordial relation and make our guests feel warm through these positive yet constructive gestures.

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