Is there anyone with any, any solution??

Developed countries waste foods, as they are having plenty; they throw away the foods which looks ugly.
Underdeveloped countries waste foods due to lack of infrastructure and technology!!
Why are we wasting so much food?

Some horrible facts are —

1.       1.3 billion tons of foods are wasted every year.

2.       This amounts to US$1 trillion dollars of wasted or lost food.

3.       If wasted food was a country, it would be the third largest producer of carbon dioxide in the world, after the United States and China.

4.       Just one quarter of all wasted food could feed the 795 million undernourished people around the world who suffer from hunger.

5.       Food waste in rich countries (222 million tons) is approximately equivalent to all of the food produced in Sub-Saharan Africa (230 million tons).

6.       A European or North American consumer wastes almost 100 kilograms of food annually, which is more than his or her weight (70 kilograms).

7.       A European or North American consumer wastes 15 times more food than a typical African consumer.

8.       Lack of technology and infrastructure is the main cause of food waste in Africa, as opposed to household food waste in the developed world.

9.       Food waste in Europe alone could feed 200 million hungry people.

10.  Food waste generates 3.3 billion tons of carbon dioxide, which accelerates global climate change.

Get more eye opening information in this video below.

How food waste raise from its appearance!

Food Waste & World Environment Day

World Environment Day (WED) is a day to remember that the Earth’s natural resources are limited, and to celebrate positive environmental actions that protect those resources. Food waste—which represents a third of all food produced globally—is a major area where the Earth’s resources could be used more responsibly. The Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition (BCFN) hopes to reduce food waste by 50 percent by 2020 through the Milan Protocol.

Dedicated to all the Food Handlers on the event of World Environment Day. Living for a Better Tomorrow!! Let us act Individually & Responsibly.

This article was first written and published by Debashis Das on June, 2017 at Hospitality Management Study Resources, here.



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